Yoga Teacher Training
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
Every month we offer our complete Yoga teacher training course with Yoga teacher certification. In this 27 days Yoga 200 hour certification program you will learn a traditional Hatha Yoga with classical practice of different techniques combined with the many insights and innovations. The curriculum includes how Yoga works, the origins of Yoga, precise alignment and application, an exploration of the essential forms of asana practice, and classical Yoga. There is instruction in Surya Namskara Vinyasa --a dynamic practice that combines asana, followed by pranayama and meditation. Daily asana and pranayama classes with comprehensive analysis and methods of teaching are presented. Experience a great transformation in your Yoga practice and understanding. You will also learn how to instruct and set up classes, the purpose of each asana and hands-on corrections. The course is presented by the renowned yoga instructors at our Yoga school- who are qualified to teach and having E-RYT certification from Yoga Alliance USA where hundreds of teachers have received certification, opening centers and classes throughout the world. An advanced training is offered for graduates of this program.
Hatha Yoga Curriculam
Hatha Yoga is the backbone of Yoga culture and of whole living. Ha means sun and Tha means moon which is the art of balancing these subtle life energies. We all know the importance of having a strong, healthy, vital body that energizes and frees the mind to explore its own depths. The Training curriculum ensures the participant will understand Yogas roots and precisely how the asanas work to produce remarkable results in maintaining health, youth and longevity. You will learn about performing asanas correctly and how to instruct and adjust others. You will learn pranayama, the power of breath, how to instruct and the mistakes to avoid. We assist you with developing your own personal practice and in developing your teaching presentation. There are practice teaching and small group feedback-practice sessions. Participants learn several Yoga forms as well as The Flow Series, an empowering vinyasa Yoga sequence which combines asana, pranayama and meditation.
Course Overview
Hatha Yoga (Asana)
1 st week Foundation Practice
1st week is preparation week, the body will be opened with gentle movements and static stretch around all the muscles, joints, the practice will be easy with lying and prone poses, which includes
- Supta Tadasana, Pawanmuktasana series
- Supta Padangusthasana series
- Surya Namaskara ( Hatha)
- Beginners Standing asana
- Tadasana, Vrikshasana,Utthita Trikona asana, Virabhadrasana series
- Parsvakonasana
- Parivritta parsvakonasana
- Parivritta trikonasana
- parsvaottanasana
2nd week
2nd week is progression of 1st week, with standing asana practice and classes will be dynamic and new sitting asana with forward bend and twists will be include:
- Dandasana, Parsva Dandasana
- Bhardwaj asana series
- Marichi asana series
- Ardha matsendrasana
- Triangmukha ekapada paschimotanasana
- Paschimottasana
- Janusirsasana
- purvottansana
- Upavishta konasana
3rd week
3rd week is challenging week, the practice will be deepen with new backward bending asana, it includes:
- Stretch for shoulder joint opening
- Upper back opening stretch
- abdomen lying backbend asana
- salabhasana series
- Dhanurasana
- Ushtrasana
- Urdhva mukha dhanurasana
- Setbandha Sarvangasana
4th week
4th week is final asana practice of the course, it is progression of 3 weeks practice with Inversions asana, which includes:
- Salamba Sirsasana with variotions
- Salamba Sarvangasana with variations
- Halasana
- Viparitakarni mudra
Restorative asana practice for cooling down, which include:
- Supta Virasana
- Supta Baddhakonasana
- Shavasana with different variations
- Yoga Nidra
Each week there will be classes with other subjects of Yoga, includes:
Pranayama (Breathing Practices)
- Introduction of Pranayama
- Benefits of pranayama
- General guidelines
- Thorocic and Diaphragmatic Breathing (Yogic Breathing)
- Ujjayi
- Bhastrika
- Kapalbhati
- Nadi - Sodhana
- Bhramari
- Surya - Bhedi & Chandra - Bhedi Sheetali & Sheetkari
- Introduction to meditation
- Guided Meditation
- Breathing Awareness Meditation
- Om / Mantra Meditation
- Trataka
- Dynamic meditation
- Tips for developing concertation Silence Practice
- Japa meditation
Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)
- Rubber-neti
- Jalaneti
- Kapalbhati - cleansing the lungs
Anatomy and Physiology
- Digestive System
- Respiratory System
- Circulatory System
- Nervous System
- Organs Bodily systems
- Nadis
- Chakras
- Muscular System
- Skeletal Sytem
- Muscle Functions according to Joint Movements
Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)
- Origins of Yoga
- Yoga and Hinduism
- Introduction to yoga sutras of patanjali
- Definition of yoga
- 4 padas of yoga sutras
- 4 aspects of mind and its functions
- What is Yogi
- Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga
- Pancha - Vayus
- Panchakoshas
- Sattva, Rajas & Tamas (Triguna)
- Introduction to chakras and its functions
- Three Doshas
- Lives of yogis (Inspiring stories)
- Diet & Nutrition for a yogi
- Question & Answers
- what is om? why we chant om?
- what is mantra? why we chant mantra?
- Opening Mantras
- Yogic meditation mantras
- closing mantras
Teaching Methodology
- How to begin instructing
- Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting
- Class themes and sequences
- Mental & emotional preparation for teaching
- Step by step class structure planning
Teaching Practice
- Demonstration
- Alignment
- Instructions
- Yoga Philosophy Written Test
- Asana Demonstration
- Asana teaching
- Performance
- Behaviour
The Purpose of the Course
Throughout your yoga teacher training, you will be led through several 'asana practice' where you will get to fully dissect different postures - and how your body expresses them. In regular practice you will have much better understanding of what your body can do, and what adjustments you should make for yourself in a practice that will serve your body. With your newfound body awareness, you will be so much better able to move through your life without getting hurt. You will walk more mindfully, run more mindfully. You will become better able to predict the abilities of your body and thus will be able to stay strong and limber for life. In your yoga teacher training, you will be tested; your will, your ability to hold postures, your ability to focus, your ability to speak in front of people will all be strengthened and stretched. You will come out of the other side of your training feeling physically stronger, but also mentally and emotionally stronger too. There is nothing quite like going through the experience of a yoga teacher training - and those you meet in your training will forever hold a special place in your heart. You will understand each other in a very unique way at the end of your course, and there is a good chance that you will make friendships that last a lifetime.
Who Should Take Advantage of this Training Opportunity?
Any sincere student of Yoga who wants to study in-depth and intensively in a
short time period may participate. We feel Yoga, in all of its forms, creates positive energy.
Positive energy will cause you to become successful, and live a life where
powerful visions become reality. Your complete health will improve
exponentially, as a result of a regular physical Yogic exercise practice.
Yoga training has so many good health aspects from which a person can
benefit. Different forms of yoga,
Hatha, Kundalini, and Raja contain many different Yogic breathing exercises
(Pranayama) and postures (Asanas), Yoga is not merely another physical exercise
For the complete orthodox knowledge of yoga you can join our course:
Anyone sincerely interested in Yoga is most welcome to participate in the course in order to expand their own practice and knowledge with or without the desire for certification.. Teaching certification is awarded on the basis of successful practice of Yoga asana and the knowledge of theory. Those diligently applying themselves should find no difficulty in achieving success. All who complete the course will be given a certificate after completion of a practice teaching assignment.
Any person not eligible upon completion of the course is given opportunities to fulfill the requirements with practice and study.
Yoga Padma teacher training meets all the requirements and is approved by the Yoga Alliance for the
RYT 200 certificate and the RYT 300 certificate.
Read what our graduates have to say: Yoga Alliance Reviews
Daily Schedule of Yoga Teacher Training Course
6:00 am - Morning tea- 6:30 am-7:30 am -Mantra, Pranyama, Meditation, Shatkarma
- 7:45 am-9:15 am - Asanas Practice & adjustments
- 9:30 am - Breakfast
- 10:30 am-12:00 pm -Yoga Philosophy
- 12:00 pm-13:00 pm - Personal Studies & Practice
- 13:00 pm-3:00 pm - Lunch & break
- 3:00 pm-4:00 pm - Yoga Anatomy & Phisiology
- 4:15 pm-6:15 pm- Asana Practice & adjustments
- 6:15 pm-7:00 pm- Relaxation
- 7:15 pm- Dinner
Why a residential program?
The most effective way of learning and teaching is from direct experience.
- This is the traditional teaching where you will inherit the fruits of the wisdom of the Rishis from ancient time to present day in the Sivananda lineage.
- During the programs you live in close contact with your teacher. You will have the privilege to study with Indian culture.
- Away from the distractions of the home environment, everyday responsibilities, business and appointments, you will be amazed of how focused and attentive your mind will be to absorb this knowledge.
- In Yoga Padma Rishikesh you will live each moment of the program with awareness, bringing about growth and transformation.
- You will enjoy two healthy vegetarian meals daily, served buffet style. The diet includes simple and deliciously prepared with India style Thali.
The complete course fee includes
1. 26 Nights Twin shared Accommodation
2. Rooms with hot water, attached bath & toilet
3. Unlimited free High Speed WiFi internet connection
4. Course books and course manual
5. Cleansing material like Neti Pot, Rubber tube etc.
6. One Himalayas Temple Trip
7. Every Weekend Excursion