
Yoga Padma Rishikesh (Accommodation)

A homely stay at Rishikesh surrounded by mountains,
Yoga Padma Rishikesh School is away from town and traffic place so it is space where people can come to relax, rejuvenate, meditate, read, write, trek around or simply to practice the art of doing nothing......A lovely place to spend time

It is a great place for yoga teacher training courses and spiritual retreats to be held.

We have an open Kitchen and dinning hall which can be used by all the students.  Yoga Hall is on the top with picturesque view of mountains, with the capacity of 20 persons in one Class.

We have eight double rooms..... simple, rustic and homely,each with its own character & picturesque view of mountains beyond.

All rooms are having an en suite bathroom with hot water and a room heater for the winter months and all are non-smoking. Two rooms on the first floor are with balcony while the ground floor rooms have verandah sit-outs. All the rooms are airy and there are no TVs or phones in the rooms.

 Wi-Fi is available in every floors room. Washing machine for laundry is also available.

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